Like responsible citizens across the country, we are
learning a new cadence for living daily lives.
Rampant virus has created havoc in our lives
and caused premature separation from many loved
and admired young missionaries, sent home to avoid
unnecessary risk here in New England, or as
'21 month Elders'. With more quiet time working from
the apartment, and with the sadness of losing
these associations, I admit that fear and disquiet crept in.
One antidote has been to (safely) walk outside.
Yesterday, Vince and I wandered the quarter mile toward
St. Anselm College. Sponsored by a different religion,
its statuary and abandoned quiet have helped me find
the "peace" to "be still." Above, periwinkle crocus were spied
along a secluded path. Below, cheery buds appear
near the vacant on-campus student housing . . .
. . . and even the regular, New England style dorms
helped me breath in and out with improved calmness.
Following our afternoon walk, we returned to relish words
from our living Prophet, President Nelson, who suggested
we should "look to the Savior for peace and comfort".
His introduction of the new symbol of the Church,
the graphic representation of the Thorvaldsen Christus
also was helpful in lifting my spirit, for I know my Savior lives.
Despite widespread concerns, my lamp continues to be
filled with fun interactions. Elder Alex Johnson's
birthday fell on April 1st, and we planned ahead enough
to have commercially-prepared baked treats delivered,
and exactly on time. When he called to say "thank you",
I asked if he would take a selfie with companion
Elder Elzinga, so I could share it with his parents.
For the balance of this post, I will share some of the beautiful
countenances of the nearly three dozen Elders and Sisters
who left earlier, or who will be departing on time this Friday.
(NOTE: the expected incoming 12 young
missionaries have been delayed until further notice.)
Regular pattern for departures would have them preparing
and delivering their "Golden Truth" - essential lesson(s)
learned - to congregations of their fellows. Instead, these
will be included ONLY as written messages in
the next mission newsletter. I distill those "truths" here.
* * * * *
Sister Drollinger: through the Atonement, I can overcome
the things that hold me back.
Elder Rice: quoting Pres. Beck "Don't forget - this isn't
YOUR mission, it's the LORD's."
Sister Ward: we can be strong and function normally without
the Lord as the Lamanites did, but we can't WIN without
the Lord on our side.
Sister Chesley: on the need for regular repentance
"instead of thinking poorly of yourself [for needing it],
think highly of the Lord [for offering it].
Elder Kingston: Heavenly Father puts us in the places where
we need to be at the time we need to be there.
Sister Nye: at difficult times, we should rejoice that we are
counted worthy to suffer for His name like Peter and John.
Sister VanWagoner: once I could see when Christ was with me
in the past, seeing his presence in the moment became easier.
Sister Bell: we have many tools to defeat the Adversary,
particularly each other and our shared caring.
Sister Foote: as we do all we can, Christ will make up the rest.
Sister Rumsey: recognizing Heavenly Father's great love
in sending Jesus shows He has faith in our existence,
even when we don't feel faith in ourselves.
Elder White: I have felt the Lord changing and polishing me.
Elder Ellsworth: quoting a song - "your life is not falling apart,
it is falling into place."
Elder Sessions: no matter what you teach, you always need
to show that you yourself know it is true.
Elder Burger: grace is what allows disciples of Christ
to endure all things.
Elder Hemstreet: "he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."
Elder Mortensen: "dispute not because ye see not, for
ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."
Elder Stuart: fight the good fight; be armed with
knowledge and determination.
Sister Raccuia: we will always need the Savior to make up
the difference.
Sister Hernandez: remembering my Purpose was what
allowed me to endure joyfully.
Sister Romero: "for with God, nothing is impossible."
Elder Button: the only thing that matters is that you are
doing better today than you were yesterday.
Elder Merrill: happiness isn't something you acquire,
it is something you choose.
Elder Brunson: understanding God's great love for me makes
me capable to love others even at first meeting,
Elder Allen: when I'm following God's guidance,
I've never smiled more.
Sister Green: "grace is not about filling gaps,
it is about filling us."
Sister Ladle: to acquire the pure love of Christ,
we need to pray and work for it.
Sister Ogden: I can feel the Savior with me the same as I
would have if I had lived during his mortal ministry.
Sister E. Smith: don't try to be someone you're not.
Trust the Lord that he needs the person you ARE.
Sister Crook: when life gets you down,
turn to Christ - he will lift you up.
Sister Christiansen: Jesus Christ's light shines not just
at the end of the tunnel, but thru us as we serve others.
Elder Jensen: everything in the Gospel is centered in love.
Sister Gaunt: when we try our best, His grace will make up the rest.
Sister Johnson: a great missionary is voluntarily obedient.
Our lives have been blessed by these wonderful
young missionaries. Our lamps are full,
and their flames flicker and reflect from
our wet cheeks.
Go with peace, even as we are separated.
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